Are Chiropractors an FSA-Eligible Expense?
Did you know that you might have money left on the table for chiropractic care? It’s true! There are a couple places where you might: 1....

Motor Vehicle Collision Injury
It is common to have injuries to your face, arms, and body after a car accident (motor vehicle collision). These injuries may include: -...

Chiropractic Care for Kyphosis
Chiropractic care is a non-surgical treatment option for kyphosis. It can help treat pain, stiffness, and other kyphosis symptoms. What...

Include regular chiropractic adjustments as part of your wellness plan.
Don't wait until you're in pain before seeing us. Include regular chiropractic adjustments as part of your wellness plan. Make your...

Sport Injuries
From beginners to professional athletes and people who just enjoy activities we all are susceptible to injury, either by overexertion,...

It's not 'normal' to get terrible back pain during pregnancy.
Pain always shows up as a sign something is not right. Get your spine checked during pregnancy so it can be the blissful and beautiful...

Has technology created a disconnect in your life?
Take a walk in nature, leave the phone at home and enjoy some good old fashioned conversation! Your body and mind will thank you.